Thank You's and Acknowledgments

El Movimiento - 'Picking up the Pieces'

Nebaj - Guatemala 2002

Tina the wizzard:

Tina makes it happen: True one-stop shopping for information, production support, help in medical emergencies, transportation, translation, inspiration, explanation you name it. I have yet to meet anyone as busy as her who would nevertheless be patient, resourceful, focused, friendly. Ask Tina!

Based since November 2001 as a Development Worker for the German Development Service in the Ixil area in Guatemala, Betina Borggraefe has been working with the Land Commission of the Movimiento on strategies to resolve the wide variety of land conflicts in the region. Previous to being in Nebaj, she has been working with MINUGUA in Ixcán and with Defensores de la Naturaleza in the Polochic area, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, in the Biosphere Sierra de las Minas on the resolution of land conflicts. The political scientist from Germany has a Master Degree in Intercultural and International Management from the School of International Training (SIT), Vermont, USA, and is specialized in conflict resolution and participatory methods.

Tina can be contacted by email:


