Thank You's and Acknowledgments

El Movimiento - 'Picking up the Pieces'

Nebaj - Guatemala 2002

'El Presidente' - The boss of the Movimiento:

Thank you Diego Rivera Santiago for supporting our project on incredibly short notice.

Thanks as well to José Ceto Cobo, one of our subjects, who also is the Movimiento's Coordinator. José was instrumental in establishing contact to the individuals we worked with.

Contact Info:

Diego Rivera Santiago - Representante Legal
Oficina Movimiento de los Desarraigados del Norte del QuichéCantón Batzbacá,
Nebaj, Departamento del Quiché, Guatemala

Tels.: (00 502) 755 84 80 or 756 00 60
Fax: (00 502) 755 84 80

Email: - Please allow time for e-mail replies.


